PictureShiro - Deadman Wonderland (Photo by Alf Alive)
Hi everyone~

*sebelum di mulai tolong perkenalkan diri anda ^^ My cosplay name is Asai Tomoko. Indonesia no Cosplayer desu.
Date of Birth: 04/09
Real life activites: Working, Hunting Vegetables(?) 8D

1. berapa jumlah kostum yang kamu miliki? 

hmm around 20? or more? cannot really tell since i also sold some already. lol

2. kapan memulai dan bagaimana kamu bisa cosplay?

i started cosplay since Nov 2008, that's when i saw people did cosplay of my favourite charas and they look nice! just sudden thought that i wanna try something like that too~ hehe

3. hal positif dan negatif apa yang kamu dapatkan selama bercosplay?

>> positive(s): can have many friends from all over the world who have the same hobby as mine! can test my ability and creativity in making stuffs, can learn how to act in many characters (gawd that's fun!), can take care more of myself and fix my appearance bit by bit, and many more~~

>> negative(s): money got drained ;__; ain't cheap hobby ya know, lol! got critics a lot? but i like it .. hmm what else? still got more positive things around though. 

4. apa yang paling kamu sukai dari dunia cosplay?

>> friends, creativity, excitement

5. apa cosplay favioritmu? kenapa?

>> i like most of my cosplays coz i used to choose my fave charas before making the costume. but i think some of my fave would be..
- Kagamine Rin (servant of evil), i really love the story of it and having a cos project pv is like.. unforgetable precious moments! really, i'm very grateful for everybody's help and participation in making the pv. 
COS PV result >>
- Anjou Naruko (anohana), coz i love the character and team mates are just awesome! 
- Shiro (Deadman Wonderland), totally looovveee this mutiple personalities character! she has a very sad story in the past yet became so powerful and destructive in the future. first time wearing this kind of bodysuit costume too! thanks to Usagi Chiba for everything!
XD /rollsaway

6. cosplay apa yang kamu impikan? kenapa?

>> hmm, i always wanted to cos something that has awesome and detailed costume like Kwae Tae Cheon from Shin Angyo Onshi. but i don't think i can managed to make such difficult costume at the moment. hehehe.

7. pengalaman apa yang paling tidak terlupakan saat kamu coplay?

>> fell awkwardly many times when performing something. /cry

8. jika ada prestasi apa saja yang sudah kamu dapatkan ?

>> this one also cannot really tell, i just happy already by seeing people's appreciations toward my cosplay. and knowing that they like is also the best achievement i did for myself. 

9. bagaimana kamu membagi waktu hobby dengan rutinitas lain? 
>> i got day off on saturday-sunday, so those days will be the time to work on some cosplay stuffs. 


Cosplay is actually a fun hobby just like the others, and giving my best at it is like self-satisfying. 

Cure No. 133840
twitter: @tomokochuu
Worldcosplay: tomokochi
Ayanami Rei - Evangelion (Photo by Cathy)
Kagamine Rin - Servant of Evil feat. Yuji as Kagamine Len (Photo by Andhika Mapparessa)
Anjou Naruko - AnoHana (Photo by Alf Alive)
1/3/2015 01:31:30 am

What is ur real name,tomokochi?


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